Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Can nature and humanity flourish (growth, thrive) simultaneously (at the same time)?

Currently, for the most part, humans are excessively consuming natural resources and causing loss of biodiversity. This does not lead to any growth because if the environment declines, the humanity will also decline. Therefore, people should start to recognize the need for nature and humans to thrive together. Although a lot of damage is done, I believe that if humans put enough effort and motivation, the simultaneous growth between nature and humans could be possible. However, in order to achieve this goal, the human race must have a strong desire and dedication and make some sacrifices so that there can be an environment where nature and humanity can flourish together. So people need to raise more awareness about the environmental issues and take initiative in learning about the conditions of the environment and what actions can be taken to solve the environmental issues. If there is enough initiative and devotion to make change, humans can start developing and undertaking effective actions in order to create a simultaneous growth of nature and humanity. Some of the actions might include promoting green technology and reviving biodiversity such as planting trees. In conclusion, there should be more dedication and motivation from people in order for nature and humanity to flourish simultaneously.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


What is your food product? Pastry Product

1. What is the serving size?

1 pastry (50g)

2. How many servings per container?


3. How many calories per serving?


4. How many calories are from fat?

Calories from Fat: 50

5. What percentage of each serving’s calories comes from fat?

(Do the math yourself.)


6. What is the total fat percentage of your food?


Is this content Low/Moderate/High?


7. What is the saturated fat percentage in your food?


Is this content Low/High?


8. How much of your diet should come from saturated fats?

As low as possible

9. What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats?

Saturated fats are fats that have low-density cholesterol found in animal products. On the other hand, unsaturated fats have high-density cholesterol found in plants. Therefore the density level of cholesterol and the type of food products are different for saturated and unsaturated fats.

10. What is the percentage cholesterol in your food?


Is that Low/Moderate/High?


11. How much sodium is in your food?

190mg (8%)

Is this content Low/Moderate/High?


12. What is the carbohydrate content of your food?

Total Carbohydrate 35g (12%)

Is this content Low/Moderate/High?


13.What is the sugar content of your food?


Is this content Low/Moderate/High?

Relatively high

No value or percentage because sugar because no recommendation has been made.

14. Why are sugars not good for you?

Eating too much sugar is not good for you because they increase your cholesterol level which makes your blood pressure higher and you will have a higher risk to heart diseases. In addition, getting too much sugar can possibly lead to weight gain and tooth decay. Moreover, sugar could lead to serious health diseases such as diabetes.

15. How much fiber is in your food?

Dietary Fiber less than 1g

16.Why is fiber good for you?

It cleans you stomach and prevents you from getting caner.

17. How much protein is in your food?


Is this content Low/Moderate/High?

Comparatively low

18. What is the Vitamin A , Vitamin C, Calcium, and Iron content of your food?

Vit. A: 10%

Vit. C : 0%

Calcium : 10%

Iron : 10%

Are these amounts adequate?

Moderate amount of calcium, vitamin A and Iron and but you are not getting any vitamin C

19. Overall, what would you say is the nutritional value of your food? Is it good for you? Why or why not?

The overall nutritional value of nutrition is moderate because there are moderate amounts of fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins and other parts in this food product. For fats and carbohydrates and sodium, which are parts of the nutrition that you should eat less, the percentage is between 5% and 20%, so it’s neither high nor low. On the other hand, vitamins and calcium and minerals, which are parts of the nutrition that you should get more of, the percentage is also between 5% and 20%, which is also a moderate amount. But, the product doesn’t have a lot protein and vitamin C and the product has relatively high amount of sugar.

Therefore, based on the nutritional components, this food product is not necessarily good or bad for you because there are mostly moderate amounts of nutritional components. It is not very harmful because it does not have high amount of carbohydrates, fat or sodium. However, it is also not very healthy because it has only moderate amounts of vitamins and minerals and it does not have enough protein. In addition, it also has a quite big amount of sugar.

Overall, if you have to judge whether this food product is good or bad, this food product is probably somewhere in the middle. It might possibly be a bit unhealthy because it does not give you high amount of vitamins, minerals and protein and there might be too much sugar in it.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Nutrition Analysis

Nutrtion Report/Data (Click on the images to view them in a bigger size)

weekday calory

weekday nutrition

weekday graph

weekday cal. balance

weekend calory chart

weekend nutrition

weekend RDA graph

weekend cal. balance


1. Weekday

For the most part, I am above the amount of nutrition level needed but I also have some nutritions that I am not getting enough of. I am very low on calcium and magnesium and I have nothing on vitamin D, even though I often drink milk. Therefore after looking the nutrition chart, I should drink more milk daily and eat more food products that are high in calcium (eg. dairy products), magnesium and vitamin D. Overall, my nutrition level is quite alright. My nutrition level in high in vitamin A,B,C, iron and other minerals.

In my diet I got 52% carbs, 28% fat and 20% protein. This shows that the amount of carbs, protein and fat I get is not balanced. In my daily diet, I am consuming too much carbs and little protein. I feel that I need to regulary eat food products that contain a lot of protein and reduce eating food products that are high in carbs and fat. So, I should eat more meat and eggs but try to eat animal products that are low in fat.

On the other hand, my calories balance is almost even. During my weekday, the amount of calories burned is almost exactly same as the calories eaten. So I will main my weight without any dramatic increase or decreases. Therefore, in terms of calory balance, my weekday dietary habits are quite healthy.

2. Weekend

My nutrition level in weekend is similar to my nutrition level in weekday which means that my daily diet is quite similar in terms of nutrition throughout the week. I am getting very low vitamin D, E and magnesium but I am also quite low on vitamin A in my weekend diet. In addition I am getting high amount of calcium unlike my weekday diet. So during weekends I still need to drink more drink and obtain food products that are high in vitamin D, E and magnesium, but I also need to eat more fruits and vegetables because my vitamin A became lower.

In my diet, I got 50% carbs, 32% fat and 17% protein. So my diet is still quite unbalanced. I think my diet in during the weekend is unhealthier because I am getting even more percentage of fat and lesser protein. So in my daily diet I need to start consuming foods that low in fat and high in protein like egg whites. I feel that I am getting way too much fat during the weekends so I should work on trying to reduce fat.

My calories balance is a bit more off in my weekend diet. Because I am getting more percentage of fat, my calories eaten is noticeably greater than my calories burned which means I might be gaining weight. This means I should eat more low-fat food and exercise more often. So overall, my weekday diet is healthier than my weekend diet.

Daily Allowance in relation to what I eat:

I feel that I am getting a healthier diet during the weekdays because I am spending less of my allowance in each weekday which means I don’t really have a lot of choices in deciding what to eat. So I tend to eat somewhat healthier. On the hand, I am spending more of my allowance during each weekend day which means I get to have a bigger variety of food products to eat. So I tend to choose food products that are tasty but have much fat in them so my diet during the weekends is unhealthier.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Article Info:
Title: French Firm plans suicide hotline
Source: BBC News page
Date: September 15, 2009
Author: Unknown

Article link:


The France Telecom has decided to set a free hotline available for stressful workers after witnessing as many as 23 suicides in just 18 months. The government and the company feels that industrial suicide is a critical problem as workers jump out of offices and stab themselves with knives. One of the main factors that cause stress is that workers are pressured from leaving or accepting a new working condition since there are numerous people who are unemployed. Moreover, the experts feel that France Telecom’s change from being a public sector to a competitive, multinational company had increased demand for efficiency which increased the stress level of employees. Therefore the company tried to increase counseling and improve situation at work.

Big Meaning:

This shows that stress is not just getting a headache or being frustrated. Having intense amount of stress can make people take away their own life. This article focuses on the emotional aspect as employees experienced “emotional havoc” after the company became a multinational company. In addition, because there is so much competition between companies, people’s minds are being pressured by increasing demand for efficiency and more progress at work. This causes instability in mental health and as the demand and pressure from the workplace accumulates, people’s stress level is high enough to cause psychological disorder. Then as stress level increases even more, then people’s minds develops a desire to commit suicide. The industrial suicide is the lowest level on the illness-wellness continuum under premature death. So stress can have a fatal damage in your health if you can’t control it. In conclusion, competition within communities is a major factor of stress as it could severely damage the mental health, followed by damages in physical and social health.

Personal Meaning:

I was a bit shocked at the number of industrial suicides. This news doesn’t really impact my life or personality directly and I can’t have a personal experience similar to the topic. Nevertheless, it made me realize that I might not have so much stress now since the learning is not extremely competitive, but as I get older, I will probably have increasing amount of demands everyday and I will probably have to be more competitive. I will face the stress and dilemma of trying to complete huge loads of work and meeting the demands and expectations of others. So I felt that I need to try to develop and improve ways to relieve and cope with stress. Therefore, to relieve stress I should try to always have time to do something enjoyable everyday and to try something new. This is because the excitement and joy I feel from doing something new and enjoyable will help me relieve my stress and reduce my stress level as well as improving my mental health.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


What is his/her relationship to you?
He is my dad.

1. Have you always been as healthy as you are now? Please explain.

About 5 years ago, I was quite ill so I came to Malaysia and exercised reguarly. As a result, I started to improve and 3 years after I came to Malaysia, I recovered completely.

2. What particular health habits in the following areas do you practice, that contribute to your level of health?

Nutritional Habits: Since I used to like to eat meat, I try to have balance in my diet by eating a lot of vegetables as well.

Fitness Habits: I played golf and exercise very regularly.

Coping with Stress: I try to reduce stress as much as I can.

Dealing with Conflicts: When I have a conflict, I try to think deeply and endure.

Keeping a Positive Attitude: I usually keep a positive attitude, it helps me to reduce stress.

Any Additional Healthy Habits: I try to laugh a lot and smile.

3. How did you develop these habits? Please explain.

5 years ago when I was ill from work, I realized the importance of health and tried to develop healthy habits.

4. What motivates you to practice a healthy lifestyle?

I truly relized the importance of health after I have been seriously ill.

5. Create a question of your own that you would like to ask regarding this person’s healthy lifestyle. Make sure that the question allows your interviewee to expand on his/her thoughts (not a one word answer).

Question: In your opinion, what is most important element in achieving good health?

Answer: I think that the most important element in achieving good health is thinking positively, regular daily habit and exercise and to value your family because I believe that having a good family relationship is very important.