Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Can nature and humanity flourish (growth, thrive) simultaneously (at the same time)?

Currently, for the most part, humans are excessively consuming natural resources and causing loss of biodiversity. This does not lead to any growth because if the environment declines, the humanity will also decline. Therefore, people should start to recognize the need for nature and humans to thrive together. Although a lot of damage is done, I believe that if humans put enough effort and motivation, the simultaneous growth between nature and humans could be possible. However, in order to achieve this goal, the human race must have a strong desire and dedication and make some sacrifices so that there can be an environment where nature and humanity can flourish together. So people need to raise more awareness about the environmental issues and take initiative in learning about the conditions of the environment and what actions can be taken to solve the environmental issues. If there is enough initiative and devotion to make change, humans can start developing and undertaking effective actions in order to create a simultaneous growth of nature and humanity. Some of the actions might include promoting green technology and reviving biodiversity such as planting trees. In conclusion, there should be more dedication and motivation from people in order for nature and humanity to flourish simultaneously.

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