Tuesday, August 10, 2010


What is his/her relationship to you?
He is my dad.

1. Have you always been as healthy as you are now? Please explain.

About 5 years ago, I was quite ill so I came to Malaysia and exercised reguarly. As a result, I started to improve and 3 years after I came to Malaysia, I recovered completely.

2. What particular health habits in the following areas do you practice, that contribute to your level of health?

Nutritional Habits: Since I used to like to eat meat, I try to have balance in my diet by eating a lot of vegetables as well.

Fitness Habits: I played golf and exercise very regularly.

Coping with Stress: I try to reduce stress as much as I can.

Dealing with Conflicts: When I have a conflict, I try to think deeply and endure.

Keeping a Positive Attitude: I usually keep a positive attitude, it helps me to reduce stress.

Any Additional Healthy Habits: I try to laugh a lot and smile.

3. How did you develop these habits? Please explain.

5 years ago when I was ill from work, I realized the importance of health and tried to develop healthy habits.

4. What motivates you to practice a healthy lifestyle?

I truly relized the importance of health after I have been seriously ill.

5. Create a question of your own that you would like to ask regarding this person’s healthy lifestyle. Make sure that the question allows your interviewee to expand on his/her thoughts (not a one word answer).

Question: In your opinion, what is most important element in achieving good health?

Answer: I think that the most important element in achieving good health is thinking positively, regular daily habit and exercise and to value your family because I believe that having a good family relationship is very important.

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