Thursday, August 26, 2010

Article Info:
Title: French Firm plans suicide hotline
Source: BBC News page
Date: September 15, 2009
Author: Unknown

Article link:


The France Telecom has decided to set a free hotline available for stressful workers after witnessing as many as 23 suicides in just 18 months. The government and the company feels that industrial suicide is a critical problem as workers jump out of offices and stab themselves with knives. One of the main factors that cause stress is that workers are pressured from leaving or accepting a new working condition since there are numerous people who are unemployed. Moreover, the experts feel that France Telecom’s change from being a public sector to a competitive, multinational company had increased demand for efficiency which increased the stress level of employees. Therefore the company tried to increase counseling and improve situation at work.

Big Meaning:

This shows that stress is not just getting a headache or being frustrated. Having intense amount of stress can make people take away their own life. This article focuses on the emotional aspect as employees experienced “emotional havoc” after the company became a multinational company. In addition, because there is so much competition between companies, people’s minds are being pressured by increasing demand for efficiency and more progress at work. This causes instability in mental health and as the demand and pressure from the workplace accumulates, people’s stress level is high enough to cause psychological disorder. Then as stress level increases even more, then people’s minds develops a desire to commit suicide. The industrial suicide is the lowest level on the illness-wellness continuum under premature death. So stress can have a fatal damage in your health if you can’t control it. In conclusion, competition within communities is a major factor of stress as it could severely damage the mental health, followed by damages in physical and social health.

Personal Meaning:

I was a bit shocked at the number of industrial suicides. This news doesn’t really impact my life or personality directly and I can’t have a personal experience similar to the topic. Nevertheless, it made me realize that I might not have so much stress now since the learning is not extremely competitive, but as I get older, I will probably have increasing amount of demands everyday and I will probably have to be more competitive. I will face the stress and dilemma of trying to complete huge loads of work and meeting the demands and expectations of others. So I felt that I need to try to develop and improve ways to relieve and cope with stress. Therefore, to relieve stress I should try to always have time to do something enjoyable everyday and to try something new. This is because the excitement and joy I feel from doing something new and enjoyable will help me relieve my stress and reduce my stress level as well as improving my mental health.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


What is his/her relationship to you?
He is my dad.

1. Have you always been as healthy as you are now? Please explain.

About 5 years ago, I was quite ill so I came to Malaysia and exercised reguarly. As a result, I started to improve and 3 years after I came to Malaysia, I recovered completely.

2. What particular health habits in the following areas do you practice, that contribute to your level of health?

Nutritional Habits: Since I used to like to eat meat, I try to have balance in my diet by eating a lot of vegetables as well.

Fitness Habits: I played golf and exercise very regularly.

Coping with Stress: I try to reduce stress as much as I can.

Dealing with Conflicts: When I have a conflict, I try to think deeply and endure.

Keeping a Positive Attitude: I usually keep a positive attitude, it helps me to reduce stress.

Any Additional Healthy Habits: I try to laugh a lot and smile.

3. How did you develop these habits? Please explain.

5 years ago when I was ill from work, I realized the importance of health and tried to develop healthy habits.

4. What motivates you to practice a healthy lifestyle?

I truly relized the importance of health after I have been seriously ill.

5. Create a question of your own that you would like to ask regarding this person’s healthy lifestyle. Make sure that the question allows your interviewee to expand on his/her thoughts (not a one word answer).

Question: In your opinion, what is most important element in achieving good health?

Answer: I think that the most important element in achieving good health is thinking positively, regular daily habit and exercise and to value your family because I believe that having a good family relationship is very important.